Reasons to Visit a Travel Health Clinic Before Your Trip Abroad

When you're planning a journey to a far-flung destination, it's normal to feel excited. But if you're going to get as much enjoyment as possible from your trip, you'll need some medical checkups first. Visiting a travel health clinic is especially important if you're venturing to certain parts of the world. Especially areas where the healthcare systems aren't on par with Australia's. If you're still not certain that it's necessary, here are some reasons to do so.

Securing the Right Vaccinations

After discussing your plans with a travel healthcare expert, you'll find out which vaccinations are necessary for your journey. In addition to keeping you safe, this also ensures you don't have any that are unnecessary. For example, certain hepatitis vaccinations are only necessary for those involved in healthcare work while abroad.

When it comes to having a yellow fever vaccination, getting it right ensures you can enter the countries you're visiting. Some areas of the world, such as Sub-Saharan Africa, require you to have a yellow fever certificate if you've been in places that have yellow fever before you can enter them. Without that certificate, you may find yourself on the next flight home.

Safe Sun Advice

If you're venturing abroad with the aim of spending time in the sun, it's always worth getting safe sun advice. Like most people, you're probably aware that sunscreen is a necessity. However, are you aware of which ones work best and how your lifestyle factors affect their efficacy?

Your medical checkup is necessary for receiving specific advice when it comes to spending time in the sun. For example, you may be taking certain medications that make you photosensitive. Additionally, you may not be aware of how effective certain types of suncream are. 

Finding Antimalaria Medication

If you require a yellow fever vaccination, there's a strong chance you need antimalaria medication too. A lot of the areas where yellow fever is prevalent are also malaria-endemic. The type of antimalaria medication you take will depend on your preferences and the region you're venturing to.

Receiving advice from a travel health clinician prevents you from taking the wrong antimalarial. Your clinician will also advise you on when to start and finish your course of medication as well as the side effects you should expect while taking it.

By pursuing a medical checkup before your travels, you increase your chances of staying safe while abroad. For extra peace of mind, make sure you take a comprehensive approach to your insurance too.
