Neurosurgery: Preparing For Your Consultation

If you are about to attend your first consultation before you undergo neurosurgery to treat a problem with your nervous system, you may be nervous. This is entirely understandable. However, by properly preparing for your consultation, you can ensure you get the most out of it. Remember, your neurosurgeon is a skilled professional who will want to put you at ease before you undergo treatment, and the consultation is the beginning of your relationship. Read on to find out the steps you should take to ensure you are properly prepared to meet your neurosurgeon.

Check that your GP has forwarded any scans or reports

Before you were referred to a specialist such as a neurosurgeon, it is highly likely that you were seen by a GP. If the GP has carried out any scans, x-rays or written any reports about the problems affecting your nervous system, these should be forwarded to the neurosurgeon who will be looking after you. While this process is normally automatic, it can pay to ring your GP a few days before your consultation to check that all of the relevant information and reports have been forwarded to the neurosurgeon.

Write down any questions you have

During a consultation, it is easy to forget to ask the questions you have about your upcoming surgery. It is likely that you will be presented with a lot of new information and while your brain is taking all of it in, you may find it difficult to recall the questions you wanted to ask. You can avoid this problem by writing down the questions when they come to you. Wherever and whenever a question pops into your mind, you should jot it down or create a voice memo on your phone, so you don't forget it. Then, the day before your consultation, you should collect together all of the questions and write them down on a pad of paper which you can take with you to the hospital or clinic.

Be completely honest about your symptoms

When talking to a medical professional, some people play down the severity of the condition which is affecting them. However, you should never do this if you are due to undergo surgery. Neurosurgery can be a complex business, so it is important that your surgeon has a full picture of your condition and how it affects you.

If you would like to find out more, contact a neurosurgeon today.
